Friday, January 9, 2015

Online Chemistry Notes: Charges for Transition Metals

Sometimes we will need to know the charge of a transition metal to predict the products of an equation, or name a compound.

So I created a table of the different names, and charges for common transition metals that you can use to do your homework. Here it is:

Ferric    or Iron (III)
Fe (III)
Ferrous   or Iron (II)
Fe (II)
Stannic   or Tin (IV)
Sn (IV)
Stannous   or Tin (II)
Sn (II)
Plumbic   or Lead (IV)
Pb (IV)
Plumbous   or Lead (II)
Pb (II)
Cupric   or Copper (II)
Cu (II)
Cuprous   or Copper (I)
Cu (I)
Mercuric   or Mercury (II)
Hg (II)
Mercurous   or Mercury (I)
Hg (I)

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